Monday, February 8, 2010

ePortfolios in the clouds

I attended an online presentation at the weekend by Helen Barrett, who is the doyenne of ePortfolios. She is coming to the realisation that ePortfolios should be utilising online tools that students are already using like YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Helen advocates a similar approach to what I am taking with my ePortfolio - using social media tools to generate and collect data, and present everything in an online platform that is a personal choice like Google Docs or Google Sites.

I am wondering if I would be better off using Google sites for my midwifery Review ePortfolio so I can keep it closed to everyone but the Review Committee.

Here is Helen's presentation.

What do you think about students using Facebook as a platform for an ePortfolio?


DaveB said...

e-portfolio needs to be able to transparently aggregate material from other sites (embedded youtube, linkedin etc).

Also needs to be able to have a range of quite granular permissions. Some work may be public some may sensitive and some may be downright illegal to share to someone without vetting. We have had students working on projects where the client and the project cannot be made public for e.g.

I'm thinking of Microsoft's live spaces (but then I'm not a fan of the big brother google skynet).

Sarah Stewart said...

Why do you prefer Live Spaces compared to Google, Dave?

Leigh Blackall said...

interesting to see it all come around...