I have to be honest and admit I do not know much about this and have always been one to completely ignore warnings about security of information on the Internet...and I never read conditions of use when I sign up to a website. I know, for example, that Facebook collects personal information and sells it but I've made the decision that I can live with that although I am mindful about what I post on Facebook.
My understanding is that Google will be collecting a lot more data about us including all our search histories and use of email. And because Android smartphones run on Google operating systems, that extends Google's reach yet further. When you think about how Google is so much a part of our lives, you realise how much Google knows about us and the power it gives Google. Mike Elgan maintains there is nothing to worry about but other commentators are extremely concerned about the implications.
As I said, I do not pretend to understand much about this. However, the advice I have garnered from various writers is:
- do not rely on Google for all your internet searches;
- do not use Google for email;
- use a variety of search engines for different functions.
I doubt this will make too much difference to the way I use Google although I have disabled my Google search history for the time being. However, it is never a bad thing to reflect on your use of the internet and keep a track on developments that may affect your privacy and use of information.
I'd love to hear from anyone who is more knowledgeable than me about these matters - what is your take on this move by Google?
Image: 'Just Expressing Her Opinion'