Thursday, September 13, 2007

And now, for something different - "True"Friendship

"True" Friendship

None of that Sissy Crap

Are you tired of those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good, But never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card-
Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

1. When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against
the fu*king bastard who made you sad.
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you got laid.
4. When you are scared -- I will take the piss out of you about it, every chance I get.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whinging.
6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick -- Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
9. This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end. "Why?" you may ask;
"because you are my friend".

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

Send this to 10 of your closest friends,
Then get depressed because you can only think
of 4


Graeme said...

Absolutely delightful and inbsightful poem.

I just hope this is not in any kind of ject and I have revealed my true self to the group.

Veronique said...

Hi Sarah, love the poem. Don't normally forward these things on but can't resist sending this to a couple of people, because it reminds me of me! I've grown up with the idea that computers are for work not entertainment, so haven't usually bothered sharing more personal stuff but exploring the web and seeing how its being used (Flickr, YouTube, MySpace) is beginning to make me feel like doing so. This is a rather unexpected outcome of this course for me.