Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blogging and reflective practice

I have just given a presentation about blogging and reflective practice at the 14th International Reflective Practice Conference in Rotorua.

The last presentation I gave in July went extremely well because I did not use any notes and was very comfortable with my material. But I was a little nervous about this presentation because I have never given one about blogging before. But remembering the discussions in one of my earlier post about boring PowerPoint presentations, I was determined not to use notes and make my PowerPoint slides as interesting as possible.

How it went
I had a relatively small audience but there seemed to be real interest. I didn't feel the presentation flowed as well as it could have - I probably should have practiced it more than I did.

I ran out of time as usual. I wanted to show the blog post I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my blogging workshops - I feel that it models reflection and how reader participation contributes to information sharing and further learning - but didn't get time. However, I was able to hook into the Internet and give a couple of examples of me using video and audio to blog.

I think overall that it went well. Afterwards, we discussed privacy issues and the lack of international blogging guidelines. And I was thanked by a PhD candidate who thought that a blog would be a good tool for her research. People were also interested in how I used images from Flickr for my slides and we talked about the importance of license/copyright.

Moral of the story (but not rocket science): the better prepared, the better things flow.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, this looks like a great presentation!

I am not familiar with this conference (and was unable to find a homepage for next year's conference, as well as proceedings--are they online). Can you speak a little about this--is it mainly for those involved in healthcare?

Sarah Stewart said...

Jeffrey, the conference was mostly nurses but there were some people like social workers, psychologists etc. I think it is driven by Christopher Johns, who has written so much about reflective practice.

The web site for next years conference is here.

The proceedings of this conference is on a CD - I can post you a copy, if you'd like one.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, thank you for the links. I would love to see the proceedings for this. Before you do anything else, do you know if they are already online?