Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Slidecast: E-mentoring as a strategy for recruitment and retention of health professionals

This is a slidecast of the presentation I gave at the recruitment and retention conference last week. It is a better attempt than my previous slidecast but there is obviously a skill to narrating a slide show which I have yet to learn.

This slidecast tells the story of my PhD research so far: e-mentoring for health professionals. It is not perfect but hopefully it will give you an idea of what I am up to.

1 comment:

Sarah Stewart said...

I think, after reflecting on what Leigh Blackall has said to me about the use of images in presentations, any one listening to this is going to find it a tad boring - it probably needs to be livened up with more slides, so apologies now for inflicting this on you - it's much harder to make a slidecast than you think.