What I want in my working environment
I hate fluorescent lights because they give me a headache. I want to be able to safely lock my possessions away, and have somewhere I can go for a quiet cup of tea and chat. I want to be able to dim lights for labouring women, but I also want good, flexible lighting so I can see clearly when I am doing important tasks like suturing. The most important environmental thing for me is that I can carry out tasks like catch a baby, suturing or support a woman to breastfeed in an ergonomic position in which my back is supported.
What the literature says
Symon et al (2008) found that midwives want their working environment to be clean and secure, with appropriate changing facilities. They also want good lighting, and good ventilation that will reduce cross infection.
Cross (1996) reported that midiwves wanted their working environment to be secure to prevent babies being snatched, and protect themselves against harassment and violent attacks from the general public.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2008) recommends these environmental features for health professionals:
- convenient placements of sinks, soap dispensers etc to encourage hand-washing (to prevent cross-infection)
- acoustic conditions to minimize noise pollution
- ergonomic work spaces to prevent physical injury
- excellent lighting to areas where there could be a risk of needle-stick injury.
Cross, R. (1996). Midwives and Management. Hale: Books for Midwives.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2008). Environmental Change Recommendations for Ensuring an Optimal Health Care Workplace. Retrieved 13 January, 2009, from http://www.rwjf.org/pr/product.jsp?id=28827
Symon, A., Paul, J., Butchart, M., Carr, V., & Dugard, P. (2008). Maternity unit design study part 4: midwives’ perceptions of staff facilities. British Journal of Midwifery 16, 4, 228- 231.
Image: 'Ward at Alpha Hospital' tahitianlime
A seperate office, room, space? where I can do paperwork, talk confidentially with other midwives and take my shoes off.
All good points, Tania. Thanks.
An intutive environment I can find my way aorund with ease, one that I dont need to bring too much into conciousness (if that makes sense)!
I'd be interested to hear what your colleagues think, Pam.
I agree with most of the comments here. Like Pam I like to do as much record keeping as possible in the presence of the woman but I do need an office space for some office work not directly related to a particular woman. I like having some nice music playing in the background, something pleasant and calming my personal preference is probably some nice haunting Celtic stuff of course:). Everyone's preferences will vary as to what music they might like but I draw the line on heavy metal, not the place for it at all.
I also like some art on the walls again something interesting and aesthetically pleasing and everyone's tastes will differ. I like a painting I can look at and see different things in, that can absorb me a little during the hours I will spend there.
Nice sculptures around may also help to make the space more interesting I think. Perhaps a wee water feature?
There also needs to be some consideration for families. Women may want to have other children present during the birth so perhaps we need to consider their needs also. Make sure that all hazardous equipment is well out of the reach of children. have one or two interesting things for them to do.
Overall I want this space to feel relaxing and enjoyable, somewhere I am happy to spend time and where women and their whanau will enjoy being.
I want abundant parking, a secure route from my car to the birth unit- refer indoor route, really nourishing spa type facilities to freshen up in - showers, teeth cleaning - revitalising etc, good kitchen facilities , a herb and vege garden, relaxing lounge and garden
Email feedback:
i want somewhere to freshen up - it can get so grubby - nice bathroom facilites to shower, clean teeth and have a wee spruce up.
good place for midwives to have a lie down? or do you think this not necessary in a normal birth environment where women ideally only arrive in est labour and progress more quickly?
Yes, I do think these things are necessary because you never how long things will take or how a labour will pan out.
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