The joys of Elluminate
We have been having so much fun. We email each other, and if we're both free we just pop into Elluminate and have a chat. I have even been able to help Rafat demonstrate how it works to her colleagues. And it has really surprised me how well the technology has worked. The only time we had a problem was when my Internet connection broke down.
At the moment we're just knocking ideas around and I am really looking forward to hearing more about midwifery and nursing in Pakistan on Friday at 4pm NZ, so don't forget to join us - details can be found here. Please feel free to join us. Even if you are not a midwife, I am sure it will be interesting to talk to Rafat about education and life in Pakistan.
Sharing and learning together
My long term vision is that midwifery institutions and educators will open up sessions they hold in online conferencing venues like Elluminate to any interested midwife or student, even if they are not enrolled in their institution. However, one thing we would need to think about is how we would advertise our activities to the wider midwifery community.
How could you see that working in your midwifery institution, education programs and courses?
Image: 'Christmas #1' kevindooley
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