Sunday, March 23, 2008

Open access midwifery education - update on proposal

A few weeks ago I wrote that I had been asked to write a paper justifying my request to make some midwifery courses open access. Here is the work I have done so far. I do not have time to make it too deep and meaningful, however I would be grateful for any feedback. Please feel free to 'play' with the paper if you can see any areas that you can contribute to.


David McQuillan said...

Hi Sarah,

Looking through your document. It looks pretty good so far.

I would suggest that a major benefit of having course material on an open platform (be that wikied or somewhere else) is the potential for ongoing development of educational resources. This is perhaps of more benefit when the entire programme is open, but I'm sure there would be some benefit for the courses you've described.

Also it seems that the model that Leigh has recently described might suit these courses particularly well. If the students largely study independently of academic staff input, then it seems to make a lot more sense to make the course available on an open platform so that they could study over the period of time that works for them. They could then formally enrol in the course & sit the assessment when they immigrate to NZ. This would reduce any administrative costs associated with enrolment & management of their Blackboard experience, and would be more flexible.

Sarah Stewart said...

Thanks for that, David. Am especially interested in your views because of your experience with delivering open access education. I will emphasize your point in the proposal because I haven't really thought of it that way.